While the name of Harry Wardman is widely known in Washington, DC, few people outside the city are aware of the contribution he made to the nation’s capital; unless, of course, they’ve stayed in the Wardman Park Hotel. Those who are familiar with his name have only a vague idea of the magnitude of his work. Some think he built only the hotel that bears his name. Others think he built every front-porch row house in the city. Yet others view Wardman’s work as simply an opportunity to add more square footage to the existing housing stock by either adding roof-top additions or enclosing front porches. The purpose of this web site, therefore, is to dispel the many myths about Washington’s most prolific residential developer, whose work was not confined to producing only residences; to make him known outside of
Washington in an effort to engender an appreciation for the role that the developer plays in the history of a city; and to help owners of Wardman buildings to understand the contribution that the buildings make to community so that, if considering modifications, they can do so in a manner that preserves the role for which the buildings were originally designed.